We are the first Ecuadorian brand to encompass the entire inclusive circular economy process. We take care of promoting participatory and sustainable industrialization, by incorporating grassroots recyclers into our value chain; with the intention of formalizing and increasing the competitiveness of their trade and obtain as a result the increase in their productivity.
We work with more than 5,600 waste managers in Quito in the process of collecting, storaging and supplying PET as raw material. Currently, we have a collection capacity of one thousand tons of PET per month.
Antonio Valencia, que en su infancia vivió en carne propia el día a día de un recicladore de base en Ecuador, fundó el club AV25 con el propósito de “salvar vidas” formando chicos y dándoles nuevas oportunidades para un mejor futuro.
Teniendo a Antonio Valencia como embajador, queremos que todos los apasionados por el fútbol y todos los ecuatorianos que han vibrado con las emociones de un gol, jueguen a favor del planeta y se unan a esta gran alianza a través de una producción y consumo responsable.
We carry out a rigorous survey of information on the management carried out, which allows us to determine projection and fulfillment of our objectives. The following graph shows figures of the amount of bottles recycled by ORIGIN and converted to RPET, indicating their collection origin from 2015 to 2022.
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The following graph shows a cumulative monthly reduction of CO2 emissions in the environment. We can appreciate: Unused cars and light trucks, Unconsumed oil barrels, and Hectares of forest absorbing carbon, during 2022.
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More and more companies and people are experiencing an awakening in their conscience and are joining this movement. Let’s remember that taking care of the planet is an effort in which we all must do our part. What are you waiting for to be one of us? Join now!